Saturday, April 19, 2008

Chapter 1: Murud Janjira Nagaon Picnic

Murud Janjira Nagaon - aka Mission MJN

I call it a mission, since for past two years i have been planning and planning and just planning for picnic or outing in my company with my batch mates.

However, my plans never getting realized. For this i blame it more on the fairer sex....yes the GALS !!!! ...however, look at the irony, when the plan was actually materializing, it was again the fairer sex, that encouraged and helped us, as much as possible from their side, i would like to thank Kajal and Sridevi and Barnali especially for this. Hats off to you ladies!

Now, i will take you, through every single aspect of this picnic ...right from planning, to executing the plan and finishing it off.

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